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Split Frames

John Deere Split Frame
John Deere Split Frame
Key Features
- Split frame concave with interchangeable module inserts, transition lip bolted to front frame.
- Fits John Deere single rotor combines.
- Lighter and easier to install into combine than factory one piece concaves.
- Once installed it stays in the combine and 30lb modular concaves are swapped out within minutes with 2 bolts per insert.

New Holland Split Frame
New Holland Split Frame
Key Features
- Split frame concave with interchangeable module inserts.
- Fits New Holland CR combines.
- Lighter and easier to install into combine than factory one piece concaves.
- Once installed it stays in the combine and 30lb modular concaves are swapped out within minutes with 2 bolts per insert.
Concave Modules
Concave Modules

Smart Pan System

- This is a terrific solution for plot and research combines – drumroll researchers and agronomists.
- The MINI is ideal for collecting samples in long stubble conditions with 30” row spacing (corn, sorghum, sunflowers, etc.)
- It fits between the wide stubble rows and works well with other implement options such as chaff decks.
The Mini 20"

Bushel Plus Product Inquiry Form
MAD Concaves
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